In nalti yâ rîha al-sabâ
Læs følgende lovprisning til Rasûlullâh (sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) af Imam Zayn al-'Âbidîn (radî Allâhu 'anhu). Det vil styrke jeres imân, in shâ' Allâh
Læs følgende lovprisning til Rasûlullâh (sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) af Imam Zayn al-'Âbidîn (radî Allâhu 'anhu). Det vil styrke jeres imân, in shâ' Allâh
A translation of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Barelwi's na'at which begins with the words
"Mustafa khairul waraa ho"
1. You are Mustafa and the greatest benefactor;
You are our Master here and in the hereafter.
2. For the sake of your illustrious and noble ancestors;
Extend your merciful protection also to us the sinners.
3. If you will exclude us from your grace and mercy;
Who else will ever take us into the fold of his loyalty?
4. The vicious constantly laugh at your Prophetic vocation;
You continuously shed tears and pray for their salvation.
5. The ignoble people miss no chance of demonstrating their enmity;
Even then you pray for their welfare and prosperity.
6. We are the same desert of incredible miserliness;
You are the same unfathomable ocean of forgiveness.
7. We are the same unworthy lot, who deserve to be rejected;
You are the same worthy Prophet, who tries to get us accepted.
8. We are the same hardened criminals against humanity;
You are the same gold-mine of sublime morality.
9. We are the same rude practitioners of despicable infidelity;
You are the same embodiment of transparent sincerity.
10. We are the same bad people, who are addicted to insinuation;
You are the same Allah's Mercy for the whole creation.
11. The sky may change or the world may undergo alteration;
You are above this process of change by Allah's Ordination.
12. May we never doubt your unique status and permanence;
You are far above the elements of forgetfulness and transience.
13. You always remembered us in this world, indeed;
You will surely not forget us in our time of need.
14. You did not ignore us at the moment of your birth;
How can we presume that you will not remember us after our death?
15. If you were to forget to become our intercessor;
May I submit what would then happen, O Master .
16. To us such a terrible misfortune would befall;
Your kind heart would not like it at all.
17. To us such an ill-fated calamity would happen;
That it would move your tender heart to compassion.
18. Such a disastrous tragedy would occur instantly;
To save us trom which you have prayed constantly.
19. The ill-starred people would suffer a dreadful destruction;
The dust particles would scatter and burn in the infernal conflagration.
20. Satan, the rejected, alone would feel happy over this sad situation;
Who would feel sorry for us over our untimely annihilation?
21. You would, by Allah, you would feel concerned despite our impiety;
We wish to sacrifice our hearts and souls over your mighty morality.
22. May Allah save you always from such a pain;
And punish your enemies for their hate and disdain.
23. How can sorrow and pain dare to harm your personality?
You actually remove the pain of those sinners who are in agony.
24. Allah always sends His choicest blessings on you, O Mustafa;
On the other hand you constantly and wholeheartedly praise Allah.
25. May He keep on bestowing His favours and may you continue receiving;
Till He may start wishing the same for us that you are wishing.
26. May He give you, and in turn may you give us your bounty!
And may this generous chain continue functioning till eternity.
27. O Raza! Why should we allow the anxiety to shatter our senses;
When our Prophet has the authority to redress all the grievances